As feckless as a wither'd rash,His spindle shank a guid whip-lash, His nieve a nit;Thro bloody flood or field to dash, o how unfit! Hi welcome to The Postmodern Family, Hi! if you like what you see today in which we eat haggis subscribe to our channel.
In our "Americans Who Love UK Food" video,Felipe mentioned haggis and I had no idea what it was and then we started chattingabout this whole Postmodern Family with our friends, they said, "Oh you've got atry haggis sometime"! and so they invited us over.
We actually used it as a date night, which is really nice so we got a babysitter and it was just the two of us that went over to our friends'.
So what is haggis?As far as we as Americans understand it, it seems to be a mixture of several organs from several different animals, farm animals, solamb lungs, seasoning, oatmeal, dried onion, barley, flakes, sat, spices, water, beef fat,beef liver, beef heart indelible casing--indelible casing! So that's not intestine, it's uh-- encasing the book is linked to let thatintestine its arm so said it's in sheep's intestine--hmmcattle intestine, cattle entrails.
It looked like turned-up soil when it was first brought out,here's some dirt for you guys to eat, Yeah, I guess I imagined it coming out like spherical oblong shapethat you would then cut open That's what I thought too,but uh-- but it came out like a stuffing, like already--yeah yeah--stirred up Anyway, everyone in the U.
said that was really gross and no one in--no one I've met, really, besides these friends of ours had ever tasted haggis.
So--in fact when my babysitter asked what we're doing as we were leaving,I said, "oh yeah, we're gonna have haggis for the first time" she was like, "ew, oh my goodness, why would you do that to yourselves"? so we were thinking okay this mighttaste terrible yeah, but we're willing to try it and ourfriends actually love it they recommended it.
So they recommended it and we went and had it with them.
The haggis meal isn't just the matter of eating some strange dish, actually, there's a whole ritual-oh, it's Scottish, we forgot to say that, yes everyone knows.
It's a Scottish dish--but there's a ritual surrounding the serving of the haggis and he conducteda bit of that ritual which consisted of "blessing" the haggis and so he read, he read a poemby Burns, yes, a Scottish poet, with the best Scottish accent he could muster,which, I don't know, I'll leave you to be the judge.
Okay, so we have to bless the haggis.
We have to bless the haggis, yes Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o the puddin'-race! Aboon them a' ye tak your place,Painch, tripe, or thairm: Weel are ye worthy o' a graceAs lang's my arm.
The groaning trencher there ye fill,Your hurdies like a distant hill, He's supposed to actually wear a kiltor something, like traditional Scottish wear a kilt and bagpipes should have been playing like this is a verytraditional Scottish dish I guess yes so the first--this was just anintroduction really, just a taste of the ritual, but you know our first timeeating it, but I think it would be nice sometime down the line maybe when we govisit Scotland to have the full trappings, the full ritualized haggismeal, yes because they told us that at least in Scotland in certainareas they serve it fresh, which means like they'll prepare it, they'll slaughter theanimal like that day and through all the innards together and make this haggis.
Yeah so it was really cool he read the poem actually is called O Ye Haggis, is that right? I guess.
Ode to Haggis? It was a poem about haggis writtenby Robert Burns so it was quite applicable, the blessing, yeahso once he gave the blessing and we all sort of clapped and laughed, we had thehaggis.
It came out, like we said it looked like a bucket of dirt, and, but sothey served it with the sides were what? they're called, they called the neeps andtatties Was the swede tatties or something? The neeps, I thought the neeps were theSwede and the tatties were the potatoes That sounds like it, right? Alright, have a taste.
All right let's do it, go on.
hold on, should I have my first tastewithout mustard just to get the raw--yeah give it a go, go on, ready? Here we go Hey, that's nice!It's good? That's nice.
So what did you think of the taste of haggis?Well it tasted like there was a slight metallic taste to it like the iron taste of blood?Yea, like the iron taste, but it wasn't overpowering and then, it had a stuffing texture to it and I like stuffing a lot so that texture waswas nice and the taste was good it was decent I don't know, I wasn't revolted by it I loved it, I thought it tasted similar to black pudding and black pudding is highin flavor as well, the iron taste--high in flavor? yea, it's just very flavorful, very spicy, had lots, definitely lots of pepper, you could taste that in there The iron flavor that Felipe's talking about I would say it's like liver you know when you eat liveryou have you can taste it's kind of like I guess iron, but Ilike the taste of liver, I like the taste of the heart and things like that.
Chinesepeople eat everything so I really enjoyed it I thought it tasted amazingand they said yeah it is very similar to black pudding if you took some haggisand mashed it together-- you could fry that into black pudding, yeah yeah.
I had probably three servings of it, and-- I had two.
I had two or three, but yea, I really liked it with the mustard,I see, I see, it was really good yeah soI would love to have it again so it is it is quite popular here where you canjust buy it from the grocery store like kind of ready-made in a bag and you justput it in the oven and it's already pre-made for you so I would be inclined to havethat again.
So I hope you guys enjoyed our footage of us eating haggis for thefirst time.
Let us know if you guys like it, if you tried it before but we I like, really a lot.
And Felipe--I liked it--oh, ok.
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