We're Chasing a Plate and today we're inKobe Japan.
That can only mean one thing Kobe beef! Let's go and check it out the meat has arrived and it is the mostbeautifully marbled meat I have ever seen it's just almost white there'sso much fat it looks beautiful and we have to cook it ourselves we've heardthat you cook it medium-rare and then that's it you whip it off as soon as it's medium rare.
Not sure how we're gonna gauge that but we'll give it a go! It's going on.
Look at that sizzle! All I've done is dipped the beef in salt and pepper I'm justgoing to go for it like that oh wow it just melts in your mouththe fat is the most delicious thing I've ever tasted and the flavor of the beef is smoky.
There's just so much going on.
It's amazing! I'm going to try my first bit just likeSheena did with nothing but salt and a little bit of pepper let's see ah No way! Oh my god, the fat bursts out of the meat but not in a thick gluggy way it's like having the finest qualitybutter melting it and just drinking a little bit.
If you're wanting to spend abit of money in Japan on a meal then the best thing to do is to eat at lunchtimebecause they have amazing lunch sets even in the most fanciest restaurant so this is what we've come to do today we're having a lunch set at Nishimurayain Kobe and we've ordered a yakiniku premium set which has both gotshort rib and premium Kobe beef it also comes with salad, rice, miso soup, a littleside dish which today is daikon and some stewed beef as well as some tsukemono or pickles it's a really affordable way to eat really well.
I am going to divein and try this premium Kobe beef just with salt and pepper again oh my gosh that short rib the first piece I atewas like a tough steak compared to this this is the softest meat I have ever eatenand it that fat just slowly seeps from within it is a flavour sensation Kobe beef has incredible marblingthrough the meat and I think that's why we're so stressed about overcooking itbecause if you leave it on the grill it will literally just dissolvebecause the melting point of the fat is a lot lot lower than normal being beef, there's all these urban legends to do with how the Kobe beef gets so incredibly fatty Isuppose.
There's all these stories of farmers massaging the cows with sake orfeeding them beer or playing classical music while they're eating so thatit enhances their appetite I just love hearing all those stories butunfortunately I found out they're really are just urban legends so it's really morethe exception than the rule and a lot of farmers say they wouldn't dream offeeding their cows beer but they make for good stories right I'm trying the premium one this time -itjust looks so luscious I've got salt and pepper.
oh my god this is just phenomenal oh mygod I remember watching another YouTuberthat we really like David from the First World Traveller and his reaction toeating Kobe beef when he was in Kobe was really big.
And I was thinking wow it'spretty over-the-top it must be must be pretty good I totally get his reactionnow because this is just phenomenal and you have to come here here if you're in Japan youhave to.
Sadly that's all over what a treat I'll put a little overlaynow of the menu so just pause it if you want to see like the lunch specialprices so it's all graded so the more you pay the more premium your meat's going tobe so we went second to top-tier Incredible.
And it was about nine slicesof Kobe beef and you get it and you sort of think oh that's really not much but it isso rich- it was enough hahah.
It was enough I could have done more being a greedy gutsbut I feel very full, it is so rich like Sheena said and as Sheena said earlierlunch time is the time to come and do this because dinner was more than double? Yeah.
More than double the price or about double but you didn't get the rice,you didn't get the miso you didn't get the daikon, none of those side dishesso definitely lunch time, it's still expensive but it's not that bad for whatyou're getting yeah and we chose Nishimuraya for our lunch becausethey're actually a butcher so they're a butcher and then they opened a couple ofrestaurants and I think that's great like they're handling the beefthey're going to pick the beef for their butcher shop it just gives it a moreauthentic feel and my god their beef was incredible.
We'll pop details below of therestaurant so you can find it in fact we pretty much always do that so if you'rewatching our videos, always down below if it's a restaurant and we cangive details we'll pop it below and while you're down there if you haven'tsubscribed or you're new to our channel and you're enjoying our content makesure you hit the subscribe button four videos a week coming at ya.
We are inneed of a bit of a wander I think, so we're going to have a wander aroundKobe, explore the town and see what we can find so we did a little bit of googling andwe discovered that the Nada district in Kobe is like a primary sakeproducing region in Japan so we've come to Nada and we are going to do a bitof a brewery hop we're at the Hakutsuru brewery and museum and there arepeople over there cutting the grass with scissors- the garden is impeccablelet's go and find some sake really cool museum- it's free for starters whichis brilliant so much detail a lot of it's inJapanese but there's plenty in English and a English leaflet.
This is theunpasteurized sake which we now get to try so normally sake- thewhole process is done and then it gets heated to pasteurize it to kill all thebugs and off it goes to stores.
Here at the breweryyou can try unpasteurized because it comes straight from brewery you drink it andit would go off really quickly otherwise so.
So smooth wow that is good it justslips down your throat with no burn no tingle Very interesting, great-tasting and nowthere's another brewery to find that was Fukuju brewery we got to trylots and lots of different sake and my favorites were actually the yuzusake which was really strong in citrus taste and smell and also thesparkling sake which was only 6% but it was so refreshing That was a fascinatingexperience there's many more breweries around this part of town.
What's the areacalled? Nada.
Nada, totally worth exploring we only went to two both werefree both were brilliant, tasting was free aswell but there are breweries all around this area so definitely make this partof your itinerary if you're in Kobe.
We haven't mentioned but we're actually ona day trip to Kobe we're staying in Osaka and the trainonly takes about half an hour if you get an express train so we thought- we weregoing to stay here- but we thought let's just go for a day and it has been soeasy and so perfect but we don't want to do more breweries because we'll wastethe whole day and Kobe has Japan's second largest Chinatown which to ussounds pretty interesting because Chinatown normally means food so we'regoing to jump back on a train head back into the centre and check out Chinatown Chinatown wasn't very exciting, there'sa lot of Chinese food obviously so Peking duck, dumpling all sortsbut it looks like it's been sitting out for a while so we're not going to gothere.
We're going to try and find an ice cream instead.
7-eleven run we got icecreams- a really good tip here is ice creams from convenience stores andparticularly supermarkets are much cheaper than say buying an ice cream on thestreet which is generally soft-serve and a soft-serve ice cream will be anywherefrom 350 to 500 yen yet these are about a hundred yen each more easy to palateand this one is called Black Chocolate and it is the most amazing ice creamI've ever eaten in my life what do you get? Mine's like a creaming soda andI got two for the price of one! Lucky girl! Kobe is really worth a visit thebeef is a must eat.
If you come just for the beef alone that is enough reasonmore than enough reason and do what we did go have a set lunch like that it wassuch a great experience and we won't be forgetting that in a hurry because thatflavor blew us away and I'm sure one day we'll be travelling back herejust to have that beef again.
Absolutely! thank you so much for watching we'll seeyou next time we we've inspired you to eat and explore like a traveller, not a tourist! Sayonara!.
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