- Hi I'm Rocky Kanaka andwelcome to my kitchen.
I'm glad you're herebecause we're gonna make healthy homemade dog foodrecipes that your dog will love.
Let's get started, but before we do, makesure you stick around because at the end of this video, I'm gonna show you howto make a very simple two ingredient dog treat from the ingredients thatwe're making in this meal.
Alright so here are the ingredients that you're gonna need so you and your dog can have a healthywell-balanced delicious meal.
Squash, carrots, broccoli, potatoes, two tablespoons of olive oil, one lemon, and of course, salmon.
For this meal which is salmon, a vegetable medley, and potato chips, let's start with prepping the vegetables so we can start steaming those.
I'm using a couple toolstoday in the kitchen that I've fallen in love with.
First is an air fryer.
That's how we're gonnamake the potato chips.
Second is a rice cooker.
That's how we're gonnasteam the vegetables.
I'll put a link downbelow to the air fryer and the rice cooker that I use that I really really like.
What's great about the rice cooker is it does come with this steaming bowl, so I'm gonna cut and prepthe vegetables in there, and then we can just throwit right in the rice cooker.
Here's the great thinkabout cooking for your dog.
Normally you'd peel a potatoand you'd throw that away, but in this case we're gonnause every part of the potato because potato skins have great nutrients, and dogs don't mind it at all.
This creates less waste and is one of the bestparts about cooking for you and for your dog.
You wanna rinse the potato skins out so it gets rid of all that starch, and then I'm gonna laythem out on a paper towel to let 'em dry.
Next, do the same thingand peel your carrots.
(calming music) Now here's something really important.
We're gonna take the broccoli stems, and that's gonna be for the dogs.
They're just as nutritious, and after they're steamed, the dogs love that part.
Alright so we're gonna start by air frying the dog potato chips.
Put a tablespoon of oliveoil in the air fryer, and we're gonna start bysteaming the vegetable medleys for the dogs.
Once that's done, we're gonna put in our vegetables, and we're gonna put in our potato chips, and then we'll start on the salmon.
(calming music) We have the dog potato chips and the dog vegetable medley ready to go.
We started with those for two reasons.
One obviously, it make sense because we're cutting vegetables and there's stuff that we may not wanna eat.
They're still great for the dogs.
Two, this will give itplenty of time to cool by the time our food is ready.
It's really important that you make sure that you let it cool so thatthey don't burn their tongue.
Now we're gonna go ahead andprep our vegetable medley, our potato chips, andstart prepping the salmon.
(calming music) Okay so I usually leavea little bit more meat when I'm making this using this part for a dog treat, so I don't get as close.
You can tell a littlebit of meat on there.
But there you go, it's a nice salmon skin, and then I'm gonna show you what to do to make this a verysimple simple dog treat.
And we have a nice filetthat I will obviously cook up and eat myself.
(calming music) The vegetables are steaming, the potato chips are air frying, and now we're gonna move to the salmon.
Now I've done two things here.
I've got two cuts.
I usually do about an ounce of protein for every 10 pounds of dog.
Now this is just a treat, it's not his everyday regular meal, so you wanna dial that in a little bit according to your dog's weight, but that's what I'm doing for his meal.
Okay so I'm gonna put thepan on just a little bit over medium, I'm gonna put inmy tablespoon of olive oil.
It doesn't take much at all.
I'm gonna start with the fish on placing the skin down.
That's gonna be about90% of the cook time.
Always wanna place it away from you so the hot oil doesn't splash on you.
And I found the trick to salmon is don't play with it.
Don't continue to flip it around, just leave it.
It'll cook right.
You can just do one flip, and it's really important that you cook it with the skin on it becausethis is gonna be part of the dog's meal thatthey're really gonna love.
Looks like it's a little bit hot, so I'm gonna turn it downjust a little bit to medium.
(oil sizzling) (calming music) Here's a little trick with cooking salmon, you can see it cooking, so look at this.
You'll know when thatgets up to about another 1/4 of an inch that it's time to flip because you can see how it'sactually cooking through.
(oil sizzling) (calming music) Now here's one of the secrets, I don't wanna eat the salmon skin, but the salmon skin is crisp right now.
It's been cooked just right, and dogs love salmon skinand it's really good for 'em.
It's got all the necessary omegas in it, and so we're gonna take this off.
What's nice is once you've cooked it, it should just peel right off, which is gonna be niceand perfect and crispy, but still a little bit fatty for your dog and they're gonna love that taste.
(oil sizzling) There we go.
Set that right there to cool down.
That right there as well.
The dogs are gonna love that.
And we also have some of thislittle bit of brown fish.
I go ahead and scrape some of that off because that's gonnahave a real fishy flavor.
It's not gonna hurt you if you eat it, it's just, I just found itdoesn't taste nearly as good, so I go ahead and pull that off.
So for me that's pretty much cooked.
I like mine not well done.
You can keep going a little bit more if you like it well done.
Just turn off the heat, and take it off the burner, and that way it'll still stay warm and it'll cook just a little bit more.
But we'll do that while we go ahead and finish up with the vegetables and the air fried potato chips.
Okay the vegetables areperfect and nice and steamed.
That's gonna be my fish right there.
It's a little bit bigger, it'sabout eight ounces for me, which is perfect.
Let's grab the dog bowl.
Now we've got the mixedsteamed vegetables, remember we just used some of the peelings from the carrot and thestem from the broccoli and then we've got some squash in there.
My dog's lucky day, some salmon.
And then we're gonnasprinkle some of those air fried potato skins on there.
It's his version of potato chips.
Dogs are just like us, they like texture, and they like different things, and so that really spices up his food and he'll be really happy about it.
And then we've let this cooland we'll put that in there.
That's kind of the topperthat's the treat for him.
I'm gonna go ahead andmix it up a little bit so that it's just easier for him to eat.
He eats it all at the same time, so I make it a little easier on the guy and mix it all up.
(metal clanging) You'll notice that wedidn't season anything.
I did that for two reasons.
One, it's not good for the dogs.
They don't need that salt.
They don't need those extra things.
Two, I like to put salt on my salmon and pepper after.
It really draws the flavor out.
And the salmon, it's sogood it doesn't usually need a lot of spice and flavors.
I do add a little bit oflemon, so I'll cut that.
And then a little trickto get it to plate right, just do one more cut right there.
We'll heat it up for a minute,draw that lemon juice out, and then we'll plate it.
And there you have it, healthy homemade dog foodrecipes that your dog will love, and that you'll also love.
Check it out.
(calming music) Healthy dog food recipes for your dog and for you.
I'm not gonna really lethim eat at the table.
We were just taking some pictures so, he's gonna go over tohis dog bowl right now, and he's gonna get some of this.
You excited? Come on buddy.
(calming music) As promised, a little bonus, a DIY dog treat from the meal that we made that's easy and simpleand only two ingredients that every dog will love I guarantee it.
So when I stopped by the store, I made sure that I grabbed the salmon that had the skin on it.
I just got done makingan amazing salmon meal, but I saved the salmon skin because I'm gonna makethat into a dog treat.
And it's very simple to make.
There are two ingredients,salmon skin and coconut oil.
So in this two step process, it's very simple.
First you take the salmon and you cover it in coconut oil.
Go ahead and preset youroven to 350 degrees.
And you're simply gonna roll your salmon.
We'll just go ahead andpop that in the oven for 20 minutes, let it bake, let it cool, and then the treat'll be ready.
Here you go.
(calming music) If only this guy could talk, he would tell you thatthat treat was delicious, and it smelt like salmonand coconut, it was crispy.
It was really the perfect dog treat as you can tell by howfast he woofed it down.
He's still searching for more.
All that hard work, I have to see how it tastes.
That's really good.
I have some really lucky dogs.
Hey if you like videos likethis and you wanna see more, make sure you subscribe,hit that like button, share this with everyone you can, and leave down in the comments below if you tried this recipeor if you're going to try this recipe.
Or if you have any ideas,I'd love to hear about them.
(calming music).
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