Hi guys, I'm Laura Vitale, on this episodeof Laura in the Kitchen, I'm going to show you how to make one of my favorite treats,one of my favorite dips in the whole wide world! This is my Queso Blanco dip, I am so obsessed,I hardly ever make it because when I do, I never leave the scene of the crime, righthere.
I get my tortilla chips, I've got my quesoblanco, and I just yum yum and I can't stop.
I'm sharing this with you today because Ihave people over, and there is just a better chance of me not eating the whole thing bymyself, if you agree, let me know down below.
If you are like me, we are soul sisters orsoul brothers and sisters.
Okay, I've got a sauce pan, in the sauce panall you do is add some half and half.
Now I also have my broiler pre-heated becauseI like to broil the very top of this ti give it a lovely melty bubbly golden brown color,but it's not necessary.
Then you need the American cheese, now I knowa lot of recipes call for American and Fontina, American and whatever, I like straight upAmerican.
I like the mildness of it, I love the pullof it, I love everything about just plain American cheese, and what I think is the best- when you buy pre-shredded, pre-shredded cheese is coated with a powder substance ofsome sort, and I find that does not melt very well, so what I do is I just go to the deliand say 'hey, can I have one pound of white American cheese, and then I stack it together,I stack the slices together and cut them into cubes, the reason I do this is, like I saidit melts a lot better.
If you were go go and buy a bag of pre-shredded,that powdery substance keeps it from melting the way I want it to that's why I do it thisway, and I'm telling you once you do it this way, you'll never do it any other way.
Then I have a small can of diced mild greenchili's.
A necessity.
Then I have dried oregano and dried cuminalong with salt and pepper, and for my toppings I have cilantro, pickled jalapenos and somediced tomatoes, I have seeded the tomatoes because I don't want the seeds and excessliquid in the tomatoes to make my queso blanco a little bit runny.
And I don't like that.
Okay, my half and half is almost where I wantit, you can see there are bubbles around the edge, now turn the heat down and start addingyour American cheese.
And as it melts you add the next few chunks,but you've just gotta stir it the whole time until everything is melted, and this couldtake a few minutes, but you need to be patient, don't throw it in all at once because it canall seize up together and not melt correctly.
Alright, my cheese is just about all melted,I'm going to add my chili, my green mild canned chili's.
And then my cumin and my oregano.
A good bit of pepper.
And then you need a healthy pinch of salt.
And then just stir these around to combine,I would say for maybe about another minute or so or until - well just about another minuteand then we're going to take this off the heat.
Perfect, this smells absolutely incredible.
Now you can serve this just like this butI like to pop it under the broiler for just a few minutes.
And I've got a dish there, if you're doingthis in a cast iron skillet, you don't have to transfer but I like to just transfer intoa separate dish, like so.
And as this sits, of course it will thicken,it will thicken in just a few minutes, so you obviously wouldn't want to serve this- or I don't anyway, I don't want to server this piping hot, but in just a few minutesyou can tell it makes the biggest difference in terms of texture.
I'm going to pop this under the broiler justuntil the top starts to develop a lovely golden brown color then I'm going to let it sit fora few minutes and then we are ready to dig in.
This is why I broil mine, okay so if you loveto make yourself a grilled cheese, and the cheese just so happens to spill on the sideand it caramelizes, and gets crispy golden brown, that's what that tastes like, so that'swhy I broil it because it's definitely worth the extra effort, but keep an eye on it becauseit only takes like an extra 35 seconds.
Well every broiler is different, but theywork very quickly.
Okay, now I'm going to sprinkle the top withmy, I call these my confetti toppings because you've got your tomato, kind of like - I don'twant to call it a salsa, I don't like to add any lime juice to this, you know I'm not tryingto make my queso blanco watery, nobody likes a watery queso blanco.
And then pickled jalapenos, because pickledjalapenos are one of the best things that have ever happened in the food world, everof all time.
I love them so much, I love them on everythingand everything, so I like to add some around because I am one that really enjoys - youcan also leave them out of course, but I'm a fan, so I add them right in because they'remy favorite.
And then, just a few leaves of cilantro, justto make it look good, you know, I mean that's just gorgeous.
Now as one of my favorite women of all-time,Miss Wendy Williams herself said, 'can we talk?'.
Because this, I just can't.
If you could just smell it you'd understand.
Look see, that cheesy goodness, like it creates- I just want you to see this it creates like an outer layer, I want some of that jalapeno.
I'm not afraid of some heat.
Look how lovely and thick that is.
I don't like it to be watery.
I like it to be nice and thick, that's whyyou let it sit for a few minutes, and I also want to tell you if you have any leftovers,don't you dare throw them out, put them into the fridge, and then tomorrow put them intoa saucepan with just a little bit more of the half and half and just cook it until itloosens and becomes nice and runny again and then you've got more queso blanco.
I just can't.
I just can't.
That is what dreams are made of.
It's so good.
So creamy.
To die for.
Go to LauraintheKitchen.
Com to get the recipe.
Here I go! Can't stop myself! Hope you've enjoyed spending time with me,you have to make this this weekend, when your friends come over, you'll never get them outof your house, but you have to make it and share it with them.
Hope you've enjoyed spending time with meand I'll see you next time.
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