This is Stablekneez, aka Senior Savage, aka the Gif Gawd, the Master of Memes, Not Your Everyday Ortho, and the King of the Court.
Today we're gonna do something a little different.
This is aphone call from my mom.
Good morning how are you?No, no, I just didn't get to my phone in time Oh why thank you.
I appreciate it oh yeahfor sure we're just going to going to relax today going to have some akio sawfish for breakfast and then we're going to make the mannish water put no chew onit Teresita why not no cure i don't know i don't i don't know we'll see love youtoo mom thanks for calling I will all right bye happy Father's DayChris Thanks so here is my traditional Jamaicanbreakfast on my Father's Day so we have the Aki and saltfish we have the frieddumplings who have piccata zoo and we have our minty Jamaican stylequiet here right now but we're just looking at some old pictures for threelittle munchkins first time Chris was a father wellscreaming Zachary and then the second time Chris was a father sleeping Charlieand the third time Chris was a father little Quintessa now we're makingpreparations to get on with our day and the next thing that we're going to dotoday on this Father's Day is we're going to make a another traditionalJamaican dish this one is goat head soup otherwise known as Mohnish water soright here we have the goat's head the has been burnt off and then the head hasbeen chopped up by the butcher so this is the way they sell it also they usethe tripe which is a part of the intestinal tract of the gold but eventhough I try to get some of that we couldn't so I'm going to use some beeftripe instead then of course we have to have our Rambo soup mix and seasoningright there so we're just washing off the meat lemma look it's an eyeball soso far we have our goat grow pieces in there we have the tribe in their firstcoat about three teaspoons of salt and again out that typist that's likeintestinal stuff from the cow so then we're supposed to put in some crushedcloves of garlic which we have there and some pimento seeds let me keep this onboil then you need some green bananas typically what my my mother would do shejust cut the tops off not just a banana this is just a banana but this is aunright to them like not a special Jamaican man bananas okaythat's right you put it in the compost okay so this is the yellow yam comingoff outside this is a chamber so we have some okra here you just wash it now Ihave to get slimy and when you put water on it okay so I got a cub mm sides wellyou can rinse it off but it's just good it'll be funny then we're going to dosome green onions scallions s scallions IES scallions are you Spanish let's goover here and just smell this stuff you get my lovely homemade no but I cansmell it and tell them how it smell smells like I was like go start lookingin there when you are green onions we're going to put in somecorn and something that I thought was interesting for a little bit of spicethey put in some ground ginger because I do like ginger you know what I don'tlike Chris I throw that care you were the one last night and really you'redressed for judo your guts are spill your guts you can't do it yeah well Imay have a hard time are you poking out the golden I want to be a contender how do you know it's brain show mewhat oh okay I'm backing up Kakui yes thank you boy fathers do popmovie here so we know okay one of these things is not like the otheryeah holiday fun happy Father's Day whatever thank you thank you son themeat is starting to get nice and soft now what is that just playfully kept anextra goat flavor when then and potatoes Wow and that down about with other stuffso this stuff goes in towards the end little bananas all cut upwe need the skin which we'll use for flavoring but we'll take the skins outafter put the air in this is a potful holy moment I mean it looks sort ofnormal now this is a spinner fail the jumpers will be really been now thequestion is how does it taste so I'm just going to take soup here mmm justtake a little closer look can we just dig in there a little bitthere could be teeth in here and there was one eyeball you took that out solovingly like those boys are actually going to eat this it looks deliciousnope it does look at these two guys they look hungrydon't really create your so much what is it gotetsu that's what it is old had togo ahead to deliver it it's cut up into little pieces and it's in there justwrong what the hell is this hang on check out the gold brain no thatdon't dumpling rhesus beautiful in Jamaica a desk a call on a slot intothis prepare on your chest man I don't need her in my chest but every month inthis for real look at Francis that's pretty good but I remember eating goatand I remember I'm beastly just tastes like apartment you grew up on probablyprivatize my mom grew up on mutton you stay free if you think area you canadjust it exactly you did right if Ryan ate it and smiledI imagine what I eat when I eat it right you go I just see about it running how is it is a good feelingevery yard model dislike months what do we got in there make aa top no I think Ishould cook it it's like a you work with what you had we have present talking toget here well the Jamaican people did work with what they have shot so myJamaican sense but Regina Oslo your choice but I thought you were a massageit eat it shout out the ions number one Jimmy content 9 min axel the greatestplease let me say what was good in Jamaica I want I want you to divethrough this I think one of my biggest fans the biggest wave nation diamond EXOin Jamaica elevation he lives in Jamaica I reach me any part this is what we'retalking about this is real yard let's be generous big ol biscuit and the horribleteam you guys are great your PDP mmm I mean is that it'll not afford we'll dothat mom and I got rights we show I'm not not okay Manny let's gothere's like what is that this part I don't all we have to be grown up I'lljust start to take a bite of tongue I'm going to start with the change of Y tothe tongue is only norm week late would you like to see yeah that's pretty goodcall Manny um pretty good white lady trying to think of sex the tom isfreaking me out guys you just need three pieces of it Idid all right I'm just kidding like this is deliciousyep we'll be looking for me here there's some teeth from goat cheese money ourgoal keep looking for the eyeball and save that for Dustinall right you don't need to bond with the lot yet when you say bone usuallyrefer to like like a little like on bone or something that right t-this go hascavities look at that uh-huh he didn't have dental insurance premium goat let'sgo man we're gonna work what do I eat man I wasabroad you were a lot quicker on that video laughing it'll brought the time Imean not good what not good Oh what are you talkingabout my life oh my don't get you're on your high horse through your eyes chiefor wherever else thing is goes strike right there with the tribe eat the trachwhat is it right that stomach like hi hi hi eat that that's goodoh come on no no it has a texture of bubble wrap so that is and wait that's aguy actually Yeah Yeah right there that's right thereI see it what are you crazy know that no we're going to finish offthe being here with a little bit of a walk with the cats because that's whatevery father wants Father's Day to take the cats out for a walk and we notreally walking or spending a lot of time just me grass which they will then throwup inside when they go back into the house this is my face me having fun oncatwalk thanks for watching the video give it a big thumbs up yeah andsubscribe cry under the channel but I went on the damn cat walk share thisvideo with friends if you speak another language and translate the video link isin the description if you watch the video to the end a comment Cleo stopeating the grass and as always I'm going to leave you with someone think aloneand for today wonderful make sure you turn gopannawanna swap so here we have our goats head with theskin that's been the lamb probably ought to go okay okay people are going to tellthe difference they might go lots of lamb that's a lamb or making goldenson Iknow that but this is a lamb's head okay anyway here we have a head yes okay yepor lamb's head yep listening okay similar yeah okay she has a tongue wehave the jaw with the muscles for mastication or chewing we have the teethdifferent types of teeth for different functions flat keeps the grinding sharpincisors for biting through things remember nasal cavity nasal cavitieshere have the eye ah okay stop auditory canal the ears now that spinalcord brainstem okay okay okay okay okay okay okayI'm glad you're having fun that's enough astronauts dad's yeah so see you itthat's final call going up into the brain bring regulator that's actuallyfreaking okay that's what it's very cool it's what it's super cool.
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