hey everyone it's Amélie ! welcome to a new what I eat in a day video.
As you know I always listened to my body and myappetite, and that day I wasn't so hungry, so here is what I ate.
I started the day with a liter of hot water and lemon juice, and then I took my b12 and I realized Inever showed you what my B12 looks like.
Brace yourself to see my bare face,pores and pimples, in 3.
1 For breakfast I wanted oatmeal and Idon't know if you remember but I told you on Instagram that I've found a newlife-changing way to make it, and so yeah I'm showing it to you right now.
sobasically you're going to toast your oats before you add the water, and trustme, this is incredible.
I'm also adding coconut flakes and chiaseeds and yeah, this is awesome ! I have no idea how much oats this is.
Iwould say, maybe, a little bit more than half a cup of oats.
and then, at themoment I like to add soy flakes to my oatmeal.
I find this adds a little bit more protein and also keeps me a little bitfuller longer, and I don't know, I like to change things up ! and then I'mjust cooking the oatmeal as I would regularly.
once it's done, I'm adding everything tomy bowl and I'm adding a whole lot of blueberries, frozen blueberries.
I findthis way it's awesome to make the oatmeal coldish, so you can eatit.
because usually, it's like boiling boiling hot, and this way, the frozenberries get warmer and the oatmeal gets colder.
I'm adding fresh strawberries cacao nibs, hemp seed , I love them, and of course a good teaspoon of peanut butter ! For lunch, I decided to have some tofusandwich, and this is how I do it.
first I slice the block of firm tofu in half.
andthen I sponge the water out with absorbing paper.
if you're not used to dothat, you should, because that changes the whole taste of the tofu, it makes it just somuch better ! then I just cook it in a pan and I add some pepper, some nutmeg andsome paprika, too much paprika - oh my god ! and this is also how you burn yourself yeah, anyways, cook that for about fiveminutes each side and try to not make it burn like I did.
then I'm taking some bread, I'm adding some lettuce, some avocado.
this is just mashed avocado andthen I'm adding some lemon juice, some salt, some peeled carrots and my block oftofu.
and I'm also adding some alfafa.
and then I'm adding sunflower seedbutter ! you guys this is delicious ! now I gotta admit this is not theeasiest thing to cut or to eat but I mean, it's quite pretty right ? and it'sdelicious, so you should try it out definitely ! After lunch, I decided to make myselfsome matcha tea.
I've been loving it at the moment.
basically, there's this brandThe Matcha Reserve, and Elsa thank you so much, she send me that product, and it's game-changer compared to the matcha powder that I had before.
like this isincredible in taste.
if you're really looking for a good matcha, I woulddefinitely definitely recommend it! it tastes so good! it's not powdery, I meanit's a powder, but it just doesn't feel powdery when you drink it ! while I'm here, I also want to talk about this product, and again this is not sponsored at all, Ijust really really love these products that Elsa send me, thank you.
This is a mud mask, the ingredients are incredible, it makes my skin feel so good,so refreshed.
plus I can look like Shrek ! I absolutely love it ! now I can relaxand enjoy my tea ! and here I'm trying to tell you that my face matches the treeand my mug matches my t-shirt.
Very funny Dinner time ! And, I wasn't that hungry, so I decided to make myself ahuge, humongous salad.
and this is about half a head of lettuce, maybea bit more.
and I cut my salad, and I know this is a sin, you never meant tocut the salad, you meant to fold it.
But screw that ! I'm cutting my salad ! and then,I quickly check what was in my fridge, and unfortunately I could justfind tomatoes and cucumber #sadlife.
so that's what I had in my salad.
I also added just a little bit of ricebecause I was feeling it.
and then some mint leaf, some more alfalfa.
and thenfor the sauce, I added half a mango, apple cider vinegar, cucumber, lemon juice.
Idon't want to tell you this, because it tasted crap and you shouldn'treproduce it.
There's nutritional yeast, paprika, but no, that wasn't good !and then I'm mixing everything with my hands.
I'm sorry if some of you are offended.
my hands are clean by the way ! it's just so easy ! next I added the otherhalf of the mango, and that is it ! I really love eating big salads duringsummer, I just feel like something really fresh, but just make sure that they arestill big if you eat them.
I mean, always listen to your body, but don't restrictyourself either way ! alright guys that was filmed a few days ago, I really hopeyou enjoyed the video, thank you so much for watching, for your support,you guys are everything to me.
but if you haven't seen or you're not following meon Instagram, I decided that I wanted to take a break from social media,I'm really exhausted, I need to take time for myself to gather moreenergy for me to give more to you when I come back.
I don't know when I'll comeback, but when I will, I really hope that it can see you there ! I'll miss youduring that time ,but don't worry I'll be back ! take care & I love you so much !.
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