what's up guys it's byeon like Bionicfrom mental health nation I'm a doctor of medicine but today we're in mykitchen taking a lean towards the alternative side and it's often saidthat you are what you eat I definitely echo the statement but I add a littletwist to it and say you are what you ate and I think people often forget that thebrain is just an organ in the body okay it's made up of the materials that yougive it in other words your food and a healthy brain can entail really a myriadof things can entail almost anything from an improved memory improvedneurological health a better mood and just really functioning and thinking asoptimally as possible so I'm going to give you six of the best brain foodsI know these are really super common foods they can go to your supermarketWhole Foods and Trader Joe's and just pick them up any time if you want me toget a little more complicated a little more advanced with these let me know andI'll make another video on that but today we're going to give you six theseare in no particular order and we're going to start with blueberries soblueberries are often synonymous with brain food and for good reasonblueberries are really high in antioxidants what kind of an accidentsof polyphenols what kind of polyphenols Gallic acid andthese have been shown to be good at protecting our brains from degenerationand stress stress in the form of oxidative stress hence the nameantioxidants that a lot of these foods carry so Tufts University's show thatthe consumption of blueberries may be effective in improving or delayingshort-term memory loss and another study showed that significantly improved boththe learning capacity and motor skills of ageing rodents making them mentallyequivalent to much younger rodents and you can use blueberries in many ways I'msure as you know I personally like to throw them in my smoothies with otherfruits and vegetables or you can throw them in your yogurt and use that as asnack between meals food number two is definitely one of my favorites and a lotof you guys's favorites is dark chocolate so we have raw cacao powderhere that also works and if you exclude herbs and spices chocolate or raw cacaopowder is pound-for-pound but most antioxidant-rich food that there is andit's also said to be the most chemically complex food in the world having over300 different chemicals including all kinds of things like neurotransmitterschocolate has also been shown to stimulate the production of endorphinswhich are kind of natural opioid like chemicals that your brain will make tohelp improve your mood and ease stress at the privilege of picking cacao plantsor cacao pods off of actual trees and branches when I was living out in theCaribbean but as far as being in the u.
is the best thing I've been able tofind raw organic sustainably farmed cacao powder from Peru if you'reinterested I'll leave the link in the description I like to throw the rockcacao powder in my smoothies with other kinds of fruits like the blueberries andthe sugar from the blueberries will actually mix in with the chocolatepowder and make it taste like chocolate without you I think to add any sugar youcan also make your own chocolate at home mix the chocolate powder or any otherchocolate powder with coconut oil peanut butter some vanilla drops and maybe usePVA as a sweetener just mix it up heat it all togetherand serve it as you wish you can use it as a dip for things like strawberries tomarine superfood number three olive oil so olive oil is also high inantioxidants especially the family of polyphenols as well and olive oil hasbeen shown to help fight against a Dede else or amyloid beta derived defeasibleligands and these are proteins that are toxic to the brain and can possibly helpinduce things like Alzheimer's so it will help you with your olive oil andreally just drill it down on any salad that you wish food number four avocadosand avocados like olive oil are high in a good kind of fat calledmonounsaturated fats and these may help contribute to a healthy brain by helpingto contribute to a healthy blood flow to the brainavocados are actually the highest protein and lowest sugar content of anyfruit they're also really I in vitamin C at what levels of vitamin C have beenassociated with the lower risk of developing Alzheimer's avocados are alsohigh in vitamin E and a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiologysuggest that a good intake vitamin-e might help to preventcognitive decline good number five eggs eggs are high on something calledcholine particularly in the form of phosphatidyl choline and choline issomething that will help a make up a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine inthe brain and low levels of the silicon thing have been associated with memoryloss if you want to learn more about phosphatidylcholine or calling ingeneral check out my class with full colon video eggs are also high invitamins especially B vitamin so it has b6 b12 and folic acid also known asbenign and these vitamins have been shown to reduce levels of a compoundcalled homocysteine in the blood and elevated levels of homocysteine havebeen associated with all kinds of things like an increased risk of strokecognitive impairment and Alzheimer's good number six will be salmon in anyother food sources of omega-3 fats and symbolize that I have negative threesupplements here the majority of the brain is actually fat believe it or notthey say about 60% fat and omega-3 fats make up about a quarter of your cellmembrane in your brain well we'll make a three levels have been linked to allkinds of things but an increased risk of Alzheimer's and memory loss is one ofthem you can get your omega-3s from fish and wildlife so wild-caught alaskansalmon and smaller fish like anchovies and sardines would be my preference youcan also get them from plant sources like flax seeds hemp seeds pumpkin seedschia seeds walnuts or eyes insurance you can use a supplement that's what I do Itake my omega-3 supplements really every day I use this one in particular justbecause it's so easy to find and it's cheap you just go to your Trader Joe'sand you pick it up if you're interested I'll leave a link to this in thedescription as well and that's all folks thank you guys for watching if you wantto see more videos like this subscribe to my youtube channel for more videosjust like this on a weekly basis thank you for watching again and I'll catchyou guys next time peace.
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